ISO 14001:2015

Ocean Koper d.o.o. has been successfully assessed and found to be in accordance with the requirements of ISO 14001:2015
GT: 466, Year: 2015, Lenght: 32.74m, Breadth: 11.70m, HP: 4.200 Kw
GT: 497, Year: 2008, Lenght: 38.00m, Breadth: 11.80m, HP: 5000 BHP
GT: 422, Year: 2010, Lenght: 32.00m, Breadth: 10.60m, HP: 4399 Kw
Head office:
Ankaranska c. 5a, 6000 Koper, Slovenija
Tel.: +386 56 638 080, Fax: +386 56 638 081
Our Team
General Manager: Mr. Fabio Mascarin
Operative and DPA/CSO/HSE Manager : Mr. Sebastjan Valencic
Technical Manager : Mr. Miha Oberstar
Crew Manager: Mrs. Liliana Vukmirovic Stegovec
Accouting department: Mrs. Irena Kajfež
Ocean Koper d.o.o. has been successfully assessed and found to be in accordance with the requirements of ISO 14001:2015
In 2020 Ocean Koper d.o.o successfully assessed and certificate ISO 45001:2018
Ocean Koper d.o.o. has been successfully assessed and found to be in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015